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Fundación Apptitudes es una entidad sin fines de lucro, cuyo objetivo es desarrollar tecnología educativa para escuelas rurales y vulnerables. Nace como consecuencia del trabajo y experiencias de su equipo de profesionales, con más de 12 años dedicados al mundo de la EdTech.


Desarrollar tecnología educativa de punta para escuelas rurales y vulnerables de Chile y Latinoamérica impactando positivamente las vidas de niños y jóvenes a pesar de los problemas de conectividad y contexto de estos establecimientos y sus comunidades. Nuestro software MIDE está adaptado especialmente a las necesidades de las escuelas, relativizando la dependencia de internet.

Resumen de nuestra historia:

About us
Apptitudes Foundation is a non-profit organization whose objective is to develop educational technology for rural and vulnerable schools. It was born as a result of the work and experiences of its team of professionals, with more than 12 years dedicated to the world of EdTech.

Develop cutting-edge educational technology for rural and vulnerable schools in Chile and Latin America, positively impacting the lives of children and young people despite the connectivity and context problems of these establishments and their communities. Our MIDE software is specially adapted to the needs of schools, relativizing the dependence on the internet.
Apptitudes Foundation is a Technology company made up of professionals with extensive experience in technology and education, particularly in the development of Apps. It currently has a presence in Chile and the United States, in addition to having professionals from various countries, among which Spain, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and the United States stand out.

Its team of professionals has created very outstanding solutions at a national and international level, such as ClicEduca, an interactive platform for schools, awarded by the OAS as the best innovation in the Americas in 2011; the MusiGlota App, a solution for learning languages through music (National Innovation Award in Chile 2015 Avonni – TIC Entel); or the recent TPRIZE 2021 international award, which chose the MIDE App as the best social educational innovation on the American continent.

In recent years, Apptitudes Foundation has expanded its scope to research and development projects around Artificial Intelligence applied to Education. Under this framework, at the beginning of 2022 the R&D process will begin to carry out the IApptitudes.com project, recently launched in January 2024.

Thus, the main virtue of Fundación Apptitudes is the know-how of the educational world and the technology industry, since since 2009, the members of its team have worked in EdTech companies developing solutions for schools, universities and the educational world in general, bringing carry out various projects in Chile and Latin America.